Why I’ll Live to Be One Hundred and Nineteen

I’ve had a goal most of my life: to live to see the year 2100. I would love to be one of the favored few who are alive and kicking in three different centuries. Besides the obvious awesomeness of the feat though, there’s another reason I want to live that long. It has to do with a particular disadvantage…

It Takes Life

I’ve recently begun to realize (again) just how much I love stories. Captain Adorable cuddles up on my lap for at least a few seconds before naptime and bedtime to hear about hungry caterpillars or porcupines named Fluffy. To my delight, his attention span has recently doubled since he’s learned how to turn the pages himself. We love going…

Aeronca Girl

Today I’m breaking from the normal motherly musings of everyday life to share a piece of writing from my creative writing workshop. Here’s a day in the life of the 22 year old gypsy … Day Two. Keokuk Iowa Municipal Airport. Liquid condensation trickles silently down the sheer nylon walls that offer me little protection from…